LANTYTO® Machine
उत्पादों की सूची

Brass Case Annealing Machine for Reloaders

This is a fully adjustable brass case annealing machine for reloaders.

The brass case annealing machine weighs a heavy ten pounds, measures 11 inches by 11 inches and is 5.5 inches deep. Fabricated from 16 gauge steel and powder coated for toughness.

Camping style propane bottle fits inside the back of the machine, (upright)

Small bottles of propane can be purchased most anywhere and will anneal approximately 2000 cases.

You can also order (or special order at a later date) different sized indexing wheels to suit your needs.

Optional indexing wheel kits for the brass case annealing machine can anneal calibers as small as 17 hornets and as large as 338 Lapua Magnums.

कॉम्पैक्ट वायर ड्राइंग लाइन

स्टेनलेस स्टील वायर ले-अप मशीन

सतत इनलाइन प्रतिरोध एंनीलिंग मशीन

ठीक केबल ड्राइंग मशीन

Brass Case Annealing Machine for Reloaders