LANTYTO® Machine

Annealing Cum Tinning Machine

With complete understanding and familiarity of this domain, we are manufacturing and supplying an exceptional array of annealing cum tinning machine.

These offered products are hugely used in industrial sectors for various purposes. Our products can be customized as per the requirements of the customers. These annealing cum tinning machines are thoroughly tested by our quality team before it is delivered to our customers.

In this annealing cum tinning machine, both process are used continuously in which Annealing is a heat treatment process where in a material is altered, causing changes in its properties such as hardness and ductility which helps is to be soften material, relieve internal stresses, then Copper wire that has been coated during manufacture with a layer of tin to prevent corrosion and simplify soldering of connections by this process efficiency of wire also increases.

Features of the Annealing Cum Tinning Machine
Premium quality

OTO Type draadtrekmachine


Flux-gevulde draadmachine

Annealing Cum Tinning Machine
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