LANTYTO® Machine

Inline Induction Bright Annealing Furnace

For the purpose of providing the finest Inline Induction Bright Annealing Furnaces to our clients, we engage in using the finest raw materials and modern machines in their manufacture. Owing to this, the offered products are characterized by longer functional life and commendable resistance to corrosion. Manufactured in accordance with the set industry norms and guidelines, their quality never deteriorates.

Superior performance
Longer service life
Impeccable strength

Furnace Capacity: 30 kw to 150KW/50 khz
Pipe Size: 10 to 30 mm OD
Pipe Thickness: 0.5 to 2 mm
Production Capacity: 250 kg/hour
Temperature: 1050 to 1100°C

Tekeningmachine van het kegeltype

Continu blok draadtrekmachine

Draadtrekken apparatuur

Inline Induction Bright Annealing Furnace
Inline Induction Black Annealing Furnace
Inline Induction Black Annealing Furnace
Engineered in the most precise and compact manner, the offered Inline Induction Black Annealing Furnaces are amongst the best that are available in the market....
Induction Annealing Machine
Induction Annealing Machine
This product includes the induction annealing machine, a 110V power cord, a brass shell-holder grip (you provide your own shell-holder), a USB lead cord for future use and software updates, and an instruction booklet....